January 2022 marks the start of developing an animated short called PAM Inc. 

The story takes place in a world where human memory has been replaced by Perpetual Access Memory (PAM), an implant that, in addition to precise, photographic memory, also provides access to all the information you can imagine. But what happens if the database collapses and starts encouraging destructive behavior? The animated short PAM Inc. is an allegorical fable dealing with how limited sources of information in the worst case can be used to spread harmful thoughts and attitudes.

Predevelopment of this film is generously financed by Østnorsk filmsenter.

If there's time, I will frequently post to this blog. Posts might include thoughts around the project, behind-the-scenes material, breakdowns or anything else related to the production. Hope you want to stay connected, whether through your personal brain implants or any other preferable gadget.

Your sincerely,
Ole Christoffer Haga
(Director of PAM Inc.)